Plant Based Diet and Supplements for a Better life

Mary James
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

Why I never did pay attention to the benefits of a plant based diet is a mystery to me. So busy with my stressful lifestyle it was easier to just grab anything to take with me for my hectic day, or worse yet go the fast food drive through route. Until I realized how sluggish and tired and bloated I was feeling, add in a Pandemic makes for a depressing stint.

I am a Registered Nurse and should know better right? I educate people every day about their health . But like most health care professionals I neglected myself. The reality is I like meat and chicken and fish . Thinking Vegan or Vegetarian would not be right for me it dawned on me what a Plant Based Diet actually is. The Plant based diet is less restrictive, granted some people will completely eliminate meat, chicken, fish etc. but really its not necessary if you don’t want to. The plant based diet is just plain healthier compared to processed food and meats which are high in cholesterol and saturated fats. If wanting to remove excess weight it helps to eliminate fatty tissue build up. Also a plant based diet will help you feel fuller longer leading to reduced calorie intake. Filled with nutrients without the chemicals makes me feel amazingly better than I have in a long time. A Plant-based diet can still include small amounts of lean meat trimmed of visible fat and reduced-fat dairy products.

Research shows that following this type of diet helps lower the risk of:

Supplements and drinkable greens are another great way to get such nutrients in our diet. Especially if we are time crunched. Some even say that drinkable greens break down and absorb better . Along the way of researching how plants and supplementation can be a huge benefit to being healthy, I found HB Naturals , products that have a distinctive emphasis on high-quality products that retain the natural benefits of plants. HB Naturals is an Aromatherapy and Ayurveda Superfood company that helps you to achieve Health & Vitality and weight management, all natural, organic, with no GMOs or Toxic fillers. One of my favorites is a drinkable green called Nourish, A single scoop of NOURISH delivers amazing green nutrition and helps achieve the daily recommended allowance of fruits, vegetables, and super-critical nutrients like Omega-7 that are missing in today’s modern diet. I also love VITALITEA , filled with compounds from plants that gently cleanse your digestive system and support your health with naturally occurring phytonutrients, high antioxidants, and known healing herbs.*

So as I looked more into this company , I knew they have the best in nutritional value , Organic, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Dairy Free, Cruelty Free and Plant Based. I feel very comfortable suggesting these products even to my patients for better health and well being.



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